Nine things you must never do after exercise

Exercise after work is crucial for preserving physical health and a beautiful body shape for individuals who spend the most of their workdays seated at a computer. However, it's important to be aware of some activities that should be avoided since they could damage your body after exercise. There are nine things you should never do after working out, according to experts.

1. Hold off before sitting or kneeling

After a challenging exercise, it's usual practice to squat or sit down in an effort to save energy and relax. This is a mistake, however. Sitting down right away after working out might restrict blood flow to your lower limbs, which could impact circulation and increase muscular tiredness. Orthostatic hypotension, or a quick dip in blood pressure upon standing, may even occur in extreme circumstances.

Instead, spend some time after working out adjusting your breathing pattern and partaking in leisurely activities like a leisurely stroll or mild stretching exercises. This encourages improved blood circulation, aids in eliminating "oxygen debt," speeds up recovery while decreasing weariness.

2. Limit Your Consumption of Cold Drinks

You can feel thirsty after working out, particularly on a hot day, and choose cool beverages to slake your thirst. However, after exercise, your digestive tract is still in a passive condition with diminished digestive functioning. Drinking too many cold beverages may cause stomachaches, discomfort in the abdomen, and even diarrhea, especially in younger people.

To gradually restore your fluids, use moderate sips of room temperature or barely salted water rather than guzzling down huge amounts of cold beverages at once.

3. Immediately abstain from eating

Your body's sympathetic nervous system is particularly active when you exercise vigorously. As a consequence, the digestive system's function is inhibited. The supply of blood to the abdominal organs is decreased when blood flow is shifted to meet the demands of the working muscles. Eating immediately after working out might overwhelm your digestive system and increase your risk of developing digestive disorders as well as other health problems.

The ideal strategy is to postpone eating for 20 to 30 minutes after doing out to give your body a chance to recover to a resting condition. Better digestion and nutrition absorption are made possible by this.

4. Keep Temperature Changes Slow

Your blood vessels enlarge during exercise, raising your body temperature and causing you to perspire. Following exercise, your skin pores will constrict if you are exposed to cold air conditioning or take a cold shower, trapping perspiration and impeding effective heat dissipation. Uncomfort, wooziness, nausea, and in certain instances diseases might result from this imbalance.

Instead, hold off on having a shower or subjecting yourself to severe temperature fluctuations until your heart rate has returned to normal and your body temperature has decreased. To keep your body from being shocked, use a warm shower.

5. Quit Smoking

Smoking is especially hazardous just after exercise because it floods your lungs with smoke and other contaminants, decreasing the oxygen flow to your muscles and causing you to become more fatigued. Smoking has a deleterious effect on lung function as well, which may cause symptoms like breathlessness and lightheadedness after exercise.

For the benefit of your general health, it is highly suggested to abstain from smoking after an exercise and, preferably, to stop smoking entirely.

6. Keep Cool-Down Exercises in Mind

The importance of cooling down after exercise cannot be overstated. Light stretches or cool-down activities aid in the transition of your body from a highly active state to a resting one. It avoids symptoms like lightheadedness, weariness, nausea, or dizziness that might happen when you stop exercising suddenly.

Spend some time doing cool-down activities after each workout to encourage recuperation and increase the overall efficacy of your fitness program.

7. Steer clear of quick showers

The ideal strategy is to avoid taking a shower immediately after a sweaty exercise. Your skin pores are open, and your body is still in a condition of heightened metabolism and circulation. Taking a cold shower right away might shock your body and perhaps cause health issues.

Instead, wait until your body has naturally cooled down for a little while before having a shower. This can facilitate a more seamless transition into a calm state and help you avoid discomfort brought on by changes in temperature.

8. Consume Less Sugar

Many individuals have the bad habit of eating sweets or drinking sugary drinks immediately after an exercise, believing it to be a reward for their hard work. However, consuming too much sugar may cause your body's levels of vitamin B1 to drop, which can cause weariness and a reduction in appetite.

To aid in your body's recovery and energy maintenance, choose meals high in vitamin B1, such as vegetables, liver, and eggs, rather than indulging in sweet indulgences.

9. Refuse alcohol

Alcohol consumption right away after working out is not advised. Your body's processes are quite active while you exercise, and drinking may cause alcohol to enter your bloodstream more quickly. Your liver, stomach, and general health may all suffer as a result. After exercise, drinking alcohol often may cause a number of health problems.

It's better to refrain from drinking immediately after a workout and to strike a long-term balance between exercise and alcohol intake.

Finally, keep in mind these nine things to avoid doing after working out if you want to get the most out of your workout program and make sure your body reaps the rewards of your efforts. Setting these activities as a priority is an essential step in preserving your health and wellbeing.


This post was recently updated on Sep 07, 2023